CINCINNATI — Cincinnati police and University of Cincinnati Public Safety announced a plan Wednesday to keep off-campus parties under control. The release comes after two weekends of big parties in the CUF neighborhood, including one that caused property damage.
"I think from what I've seen in the videos, this is very unusual and not normal and it's unacceptable," said council member Jeff Cramerding. "UC has been a good partner in the past and I think this would be a good opportunity for them to prove this partnership again."
Residents in the are have reported broken windows, dented and scratched cars and piles of beer cans left in the street from parties. Some of that trash was still there on Wednesday.
"You can party but you got to have limits you got to put limits on that," Cincinnati Vice Mayor Jan-Michele Lemon Kearney said.
City council confirmed there have been meetings between top city and university officials and during those meetings, the city requested the university take a more active role in policing students in the CUF neighborhood. That request includes adding university police officers to the area to help CPD officers patrol the area.
On Wednesday, interim police chief Teresa Theetge released a plan to crack down on anyone who breaks the law.

Theetge said in part: "CPD has plain clothes officers observing these gatherings and conducting intel to follow-up of any disciplinary action that may need to be taken post-event."
"I don't want people evicted but at least that threat that you can actually lose your housing, you can lose your scholarship, you can be kicked out of school, you have to follow the rules that's part of being an adult," Kearney said.
Not only could students face citations, fines and disciplinary action from the university, but the city said property owners could face citations.
Tailgate, watch party for UC home football games coming to Short Vine
CUF residents call on UC, city to step in after second straight weekend of parties cause property damage
Residents, officials and UC show concerns over rowdy parties in CUF neighborhood