Rain dominated the Saturday forecast with torrential downpours during the Bengals game.
Lunken Airport recorded 0.47" of rain during the evening hours, CVG airport recorded 0.46" of rain. As we all know, that rain switched over to snow as the temperature dropped across the Tri-State.
SNOW PICTURES: http://www.wcpo.com/news/local-news/photos-the-first-snow-of-the-season
But what if it had been colder, how much snow would we have seen?
First, let's start with just the rain to snow conversion for Saturday. Had temperatures ranged from 28-32 F during the day, our snow ratio would have been around 10:1. That means 10 inches of snow to 1 inch of liquid. This means our nearly 1/2" of rain would have translated to around 5" of snow. Can you imagine that driving madness after the Bengals game? No thank you!
But then, we actually did see snow on Sunday morning. In general, we picked up between .5" to 1.5" of snow, calling it a 1" average for the viewing area.
5" + 1" = 6" of total snow had it been cold enough!
That's enough for the National Weather Service to call for a "Winter Storm".
So snow haters you can rejoice and snow lovers can keep crossing your fingers. This winter is far from over!