NewsLocal NewsKenton County


Kenton County Animal Services waiving adoption fees for back-to-school 'clear the shelter' event

Kenton County Animal Services.png

COVINGTON — Kenton County Animal Services will be waiving adoption fees for the next couple of days as part of its new "Clear the Shelter" event.

The event — which runs through Aug. 27 is a back-to-school special that is slashing the prices it usually costs to bring home a new pooch or feline friend. In fact, with the ongoing event, you pay want you want to adopt.

Adoption fees with Kenton County Animal Services are usually around $125, so the event is a deal you don't want to miss out on — especially if you or your family is currently looking for a furry friend.

Knowing that there are lots of costs involved in getting a new pet, Kelsey Maccombs, the director of Kenton County Animal Services, said she hopes this promotion will break down the financial barrier that sometimes holds people back from adopting.

On the other side, she hopes the promotion encourages people to make a donation to support the shelter.

The shelter has never held this exact promotion but has held others that are similar. During those similar promotions, the shelter has seen adoptions double.

"We are always kind of flirting with that being at capacity, we are lucky that our intake and our capacity do line up pretty well," Maccombs said. "We obviously still hustle here and want to get as many animals out as possible. And as quickly as possible, because we know, while we're really proud of the care that they receive here, it's not the same as being in a home."

For those interested in adopting a furry friend, you can check out the animals up for adoption on the shelter's website. There is also no appointment needed to go to the shelter.

If interested in adopting a pet, you can fill out an online adoption application here.

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