CINCINNATI — For local nonprofit Cincinnati HER, the focus is on her. The group helps all women — from single mothers to those who are survivors of violent situations.
“HER stands for housing, education, and recovery services,” CEO Beth Schwartz said. “And we serve women, so our name reflects what we do and who we serve.”
HER leaders, the women who use their services and their friends and family gathered at the Graduate Hotel on Thursday to celebrate the graduation of women a part of HER’s Off the Streets program.
“Off the Streets is a 24-bed shelter for women who are survivors of human trafficking and similar traumas. We provide addiction treatment services in that setting,” said Schwartz.

Because of the trauma many of them have faced, and fear for their safety, women who graduated wished to not be on camera. However, HER Cincinnati Board Member, Faith Tupman, shared how she has seen this program change the lives of these women.
“To be able to help females get to a place where they build confidence in their ability to invest in themselves is something that I have been able to witness through the experiences I’ve had with off the streets,” said Tupman.
She added that the program is the reason she joined HER Cincinnati.
But HER Cincinnati offers more programs than Off the Streets, all striving to provide solutions to the women who walk through their doors.
“Our mission is to break the cycles of poverty, addiction, and human trafficking, and to do that we provide three services: housing, education and recovery services,” Schwartz said.

Housing is covered by the Anna Louise Inn, an 85-unit apartment complex for single women with support services. Education is through the Cincinnati Scholar House, affordable housing for single parents in college with wrap-around services to make sure they can graduate and succeed. Recovery is through the Off the Streets program.
If you wish to volunteer, donate or need help from HER Cincinnati, you can visit their website here.