

Gradual clearing by daybreak

Colder air is next along with some weekend snow
Owen County Sunshine
Posted at 3:27 AM, Feb 22, 2024
and last updated 2024-02-22 23:27:16-05

We'll see gradual clearing and see sunshine by daybreak. Morning temps will start in the upper 30s, However, we are about to get hit with another much colder front.

Friday will be cooler with a high of 51 degrees and a northwest wind at 10 mph. While sunshine starts the day, we'll see increasing clouds leading to a return to winter conditions.
Heads up for Friday overnight into daybreak Saturday as we will see a little snowfall!

Winds switch back out f the southwest by Sunday. This will produce warmer winds that will jump the afternoon highs into the mid 50s. Plus, more well above average temperatures next week. Heads up for mid week rain and potential strong storms.

Gradual clearing
Low: 38

Mostly sunny
High: 51

Mostly cloudy
Light snow by daybreak Saturday
Low: 29

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