
Help us track unemployment numbers so we can help you find solutions

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Thousands of people in our region have filed for unemployment since area governors closed nonessential businesses to slow the spread of COVID-19.

You did exactly what you were supposed to do, and yet you still haven't received an unemployment check. You can't get ahold of anyone on the phone to answer your questions, and you tell us that the state site that deals with unemployment will often freeze up or kick you out. We hear you and we want to help you through this time.

In the meantime, we are hoping to track how many people are unemployed in our area so that we can help find solutions, identify patterns and trends, and tell the stories of people who are finding a way through this pandemic.

If you would like to share your information with us, we will not publish or air your personal information unless we follow up with you. We may contact you if we want to talk to you about a story. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page, or you can click here.

We'd also like to help connect you to others in the same situation and who may have ideas and tricks for how to get through this time. So we created this Facebook page, where you can connect, share job posts, tips and links. We will also post stories and resources to help you get through this time and hopefully find a new job.