

Local Black Lives Matter activists honor one-year anniversary of Sam Dubose's death

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CINCINNATI — Sam Dubose’s daughter said Wednesday night that the year since her father’s death has been surreal. Although UC police officer Ray Tensing has been charged with Dubose’s murder, Tealia Williamston urged the public to remember that the ordeal is not over.

“I just want people to not forget about the case just because it’s been a year,” she said.

Local Black Lives Matter activists held a rally Wednesday in Dubose’s honor, marching to the spot where Tensing shot him to death during a traffic stop.

“We are not done until Tensing and cohorts who lied initially about what they claimed they saw are disciplined,” said Brian Taylor, an organizer.

The rally for Dubose came at a time when tensions  between police and black communities are high across the country.

“It’s all pretty terrifying,” rally attendee Beau Alquizola said. “None of this is the answer.”

For Dubose’s daughter, the recent widely publicized deaths of two black men in officer-involved shootings have hit hard.

“Alton Sterling and all of this, it just has been reminding us of my dad,” she said.

She said her family has reached out to the Sterling family. 

Ray Tensing’s trial is scheduled to begin in October.