CINCINNATI - A long-time Bond Hill resident who lost her grandson to gun violence a year ago hopes the shooting there Tuesday will spur her neighbors to action.
“My initial thought was, 'Oh no, God, not again,’” said Patricia Carson, a member of Mothers Against Gun Violence. “It’s sad to say you can almost tell this is going to happen on this corner by the nature of the people that hang around, sit around, do nothing.”
Police said a black man in his 20s was shot multiple times in his upper body just before noon in the 1600 block of California Avenue near Reading Road. His wounds were not life-threatening, according to police.
Carson, who has lived in Bond Hill for 30 years, said she keeps an eye on the neighborhood and wants others to do the same.
“I watch this corner when I ride by to see what’s going on, see who's here,” Carson said.
She wants people who are out in the streets to start writing diaries in case one of them is the next victim.
Call it, Help Catch Your Murderer, she said.
“Start writing who you’re around, what you’ve done, names, phone numbers, text messages, and keep it in a diary,” she said.
"Leave that diary somewhere were you know your family members will look if something happens to you."
She said it would take a community effort to get rid of troublemakers and violence.
“You’re in our community and we’re going to do everything we can do to get you out of the community if you don’t help us live in the community,” Carson said.
“We all work together and we have to stay on top what’s going on in order to do something about it. These kids have got to understand— your life is more than what you’re living.”
Witnesses to Tuesday's shooting said they saw a red car, possibly a Chrysler 400, with multiple people inside leaving the scene.
No other details have been released.