ERLANGER, Ky. — Summer means hotter temperatures are on the way, and now it's time to start thinking of ways to beat the heat. With that in mind, St. Vincent DePaul Northern Kentucky is giving away free AC units and fans now through the end of August.
St. Vince DePaul's program is called "Summer Breeze," and it began June 1 and runs through Aug. 31.
Neighbors Sylvia Riz and Kathryn Clark made their way to St. Vincent DePaul site in Erlanger to grab theirs.
“My house stays at like 89 degrees,” Clark said.
Clark has two kids at home, and Riz has breathing problems on top of taking care of her dad who’s recovering from cancer.
“We’re trying to do all we can to keep them all comfortable,” Riz said.
Karen Zengel, executive director for St. Vincent DePaul Northern Kentucky, said those looking to get an AC unit must have a documented medical condition. The fans, however, are free to anyone.
Those interested in receiving a fan or AC unit can call St. Vincent DePaul's assistance phone line at 859-341-3219.
“A lot of people don't have the extra money to be able to buy or an air conditioner to provide that extra comfort,” Zengel said.
She said last year they gave away 287 fans and AC units combined. Zengel said they're anticipating more need this year, and St. Vincent DePaul has 200 of each.
Inflation has hit practically everyone, but Zengel said resources like this are a huge help when it comes to take a little bit of stress off families — especially those who have health issues in mind.
“You can feel that the heat really has an impact on your ability to breathe, your energy levels,” she said. “And so it's really important for a person who might find themselves in a medically fragile, fragile condition to be able to have that release new reports show ac bills are expected to rise this summer.”
Here are multiple other resources for AC assistance: