

Study highlights stigma of weight loss surgery


Despite weight loss surgery being safe and effective, a new study says most patients who qualify for a procedure opt out of getting one.

The new study by JAMA says less than half a percent of qualified patients actually get the surgery. One reason why is most people found weight loss surgery to be cosmetic or an easy way out, the study says.

Dr. Michael Snyder, a bariatric surgeon with Rose Medical Center in Denver, Colorado, says it’s not the easy way out. He says weight loss surgery can often be a matter of life or death.

Dr. Snyder says his patients have tried and failed diets and exercise nearly 99 percent of the time.  

Obesity is a disease, and more often than not, Dr. Snyder says society treats it like it's a choice.   

After seeing the JAMA study, Dr. Snyder says it's apparent more people need to be educated on weight loss surgery.  

Patients have to prepare three to six months in advance. After surgery, the real work begins. Patients must work with a dietitian psychologist and doctors for years and years to stay on track.  

By educating ourselves on topics like this, Dr. Snyder says it helps us become less judgmental and more understanding.