Remember a few years ago when major carriers were advertising monthly plans for less than $50 a month? Carriers like Sprint and T Mobile would advertise their low priced unlimited data plans, trying to get customers to leave the "big guys," AT&T and Verizon.
The Wall Street Journalsays the price wars are over.
End of battling for budget customers
The report says T Mobile and Sprint, after their failed merger, are phasing out their super low costs phone and data plans, that brought in millions of budget minded customers, at the price of profitability.
Unfortunately, that means prices for everyone may be heading up.
The Journal says Sprint and TMobile have decided to stop battling for deep discount customers,and instead will now compete with AT&T and Verizon for (more profitable) customers willing to pay more.
With less pressure to stay competitive, bills can start creeping up again.
But that's not the only reason your bill is likely to go up.
Fewer free phones
Cell carriers are ending perks like free, or heavily discounted iPhones. iPhones are now considered premium products. If you want an almost-free phone with your plan, you will have to opt for a cheap Android model.
The Journal says the new iPhone 8 and 10 are much more expensive than the old 4's and 5's.
So if you want one, be prepared to pay $700 or more, which most people typically roll into their monthly bill, sending that bill even higher.
Cheaper Options did a comparison and said AT&T offers the best deal for a familyif you want to stick with a traditional network.
It also says if a standard plan is too high for you, consider discounters like Boost, Metro PCS, and Republic Wireless.
And if you don't mind pre-paying, NerdWallet says Cricket wireless is the best deal for families on a tight budget.
That can help keep that bill down, and so you don't waste your money.
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