

Rogue One, other great movies coming to Netflix

Don't Waste Your Money
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If you are like many people,you probably grumble every time you log onto Netflix on a Saturday night, looking for a good movie to watch.

In recent years, it seems like Netflix rarely gets recent good box office hits, and instead fills its offering with older movies, straight-to-DVD fare, and thousands of episodes of TV shows you have already seen.

Sometimes you wonder if it is still worth the $10 monthly fee. But wonder no more.

Great July on Netflix

Every month Netflix adds movies and removes movies to make room.  And occasionally, Netflix has a banner month. July 2017 is one of those months where you will be glad you didn't cancel your membership.

One Wednesday, July 18th Netflix adds one of 2016's biggest blockbusters: Star Wars Rogue One. While few people claim it was among the best Star Wars movies ever made, it is still fun and well worth watching, or watching for the third time.  (And unlike iTunes, you don't have to pay each time you want to see it.)

If you are more into art films, then check out Lion, a recent Best Picture Oscar nominee that few people saw.

I am among the people who skipped it at the theater, worried it would be a dreary documentary about a young Indian boy who ends up an orphan after getting on the wrong train. But when I finally downloaded it this Spring, I was stunned at how much I loved it. Watch it: you don't have to pay.

Fun older films

Another one that many people never saw was Punch Drunk Love, with Adam Sandler and Emily Watson. As long as you don't expect Happy Gilmore, it's worth seeing.

Like older blockbusters?  ET the Extraterrestrial and Titanic both make their return to Netflix  for fun, summer popcorn viewing. You probably thought Titanic never left, but it actually did last year.

Finally do you remember the rock mocumentary Spinal Tap? It's one of my favorite movies, watching a clueless big hair rock band's decline from playing huge arenas to playing at weddings and ultimately opening for a children's puppet show.

Then you should check out  Best in Show, a similar mockumentary by the same director, Christopher Guest, about dog shows.  It's also on Netflix this month, and it won't cost you a dime extra to see.

As always, don't waste your money.


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