Some Duke Energy customers in southwest Ohio are receiving a postcard that claims you can get $50 in free electricity, plus a 10% discount on upcoming bills.
"Sign me up!" said DuJuan McClore of Madisonville, upon first seeing the card.
But after looking at it more closely, he became a bit skeptical.
"I'm a little suspicious, on the fact that I don't know what Duke Energy's official letterhead looks like, so I don't know if its a bogus solicitation.
The return address says Prize Committee, Smart Sweepstakes, Lexington Ave, New York City, which only made people like Carolyn Hawker more suspicious.
"I really didn't pay any attention to it, and dropped it in the trash," she said.
What's spooking some people is that nowhere on the postcard does it say what energy company it is really from.
What sweepstakes company can give you a discount on your electric bill?
We Check it Out
So we looked into it, and it turns out it's from a company calledSmart Energy.
Smart Energy is a legitimate energy supplier, and is one of more than a dozen approved by Ohio's PUCO to compete with Duke.
So how can you find the best deal on electricity if you live in Ohio? (Kentucky and Indiana residents cannot switch suppliers).
The best thing is to go to the PUCO's Apples to Apples website.
It shows current rates for all electric and gas suppliers.
Smart Energy will give you a discount over Duke, so the card's claims are accurate. However, it's not the lowest price available.
As always, don't waste your money.
Don't Waste Your Money is a registered trademark of the EW Scripps Co.
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