If you like using Kroger fuel points to save at the pump, you'll want to know about a big promotion that starts this week, that will let you save even more.
To boost sales during the slowest time of the year, mid-January, Kroger will give you double fuel points with every purchase (excluding alcohol, pharmacy, and gift cards).
The promotion runs from January 18 through January 31, 2017.
Is there a Catch?
Only catch? You need to present a coupon at the register at the time you checkout.
You can either download the special coupon onto your Kroger Plus rewards card, or ask for a paper coupon at your store's customer service desk.CLICK HERE to download the coupon.
Fuel points earned in January are good through February.
That way you don't waste your money.
“Don't Waste Your Money” is a registered trademark of Scripps Media, Inc. (“Scripps”).
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