

Don't give kids this trick-or-treat bucket

Don't Waste Your Money
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It looks like a simple DIY project: Turn one of those bright orange Tide Pods laundry-pac containers into a pumpkin for trick-or-treating, or a jack-o'-lantern for your door stoop.

It looks great. Several YouTube videos show how to do it.

But 9 On Your Side's partners at Consumer Reports magazine say do not do this, because teaching children to associate laundry-pac containers with candy could be dangerous.

Since 2012, thousands of children have been injured or sickened after ingesting or coming into contact with laundry pods, Consumer Reports says.

The pods can look like candy, and curious kids can bite into them.

The highly concentrated detergent can cause anything from minor skin and eye irritations to more serious reactions such as wheezing, gagging and drooling, as well as severe vomiting and diarrhea.

Consumer Reports called for changes to laundry-pac containers and was also part of the industry committee that set new safety standards, so that young children are less likely to suck on them.

So what's the risk?

But the magazine says by putting candy in pod containers, you may give young children the idea that these pod containers contain something good to eat. While a 10-year-old will understand the difference, a 2-year-old won't.

So the magazine says skip this money-saving  craft to keep the kids safe, and so you don't waste your money.


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