

When prices are lowest from now until Christmas


Black Friday sure gets a lot of hype, but when you talk to shoppers, you find that a lot of people would rather avoid it.

Well, here's a little secret. There are other days to shop that can actually land you bigger savings.

Many Shoppers Avoid Thursday Night

Do you really want to deal with wild crowds on Thanksgiving night just to buy a TV? 

Many shoppers like George Werden don't want to fight all the other shoppers anymore, and have to miss the end of their Thanksgiving dinner just to line up outside a store.

"No way. No way, I am not going near those stores on that day," he said.

The good news is we have found 9 items where you can skip those Thanksgiving night crowds

Nedra McDaniel -- who writes a blog called Adventure Mom-- says many things are actually cheaper after Black Friday.

"You're going to get great deals on holiday items later on, because closer to the holidays they are going to get lower," she said.

Click here to check out our complete Black Friday guide with ads from your favorite stores. Want even more deals? Check out the latest coupons and discounts from our circulars page at

Many Great Deals Now Online

McDaniel says more and more Black Friday deals are now available on your phone or laptop.

"You can check online," she said.  "Lots of times I can get the same deal and I don’t have to go to the stores."

She's right, and we're not just talking Amazon.

Walmart's Scott Valentine, manager of Walmart's West Chester, Ohio store, says most of their Black Friday deals will also be offered on their website and app this year, for the first time ever.

Valentine said "this year you will be able to start purchasing at 3:01 am Thursday morning, you can purchase any of that through the entire day, so as you are preparing your Thanksgiving meal, you can do your shopping on your app."

Only the top doorbusters will be excluded from Walmart's online sales, he said.

So When Should You Shop?

The key is knowing when certain items are at their lowest price point.

Some things are cheapest before Black Friday. Other things are at their lowest price on black Friday. But with many others you get the best deal the week before Christmas.

So with the help of the shopping website, we have compiled a list of 9 things that will be cheaper at other times this holiday season.

1: Toys. Deal News says toy prices are lower 2 weeks before Christmas, once toy retailers see what's selling and what’s not. Toys are one item not cheapest on Black Friday.

2: Brand name TV’s: Deal News says Black Friday is a great day for off-brand TV’s, especially brands like Element and Westinghouse. It says Samsung and Panasonic are cheaper closer to Christmas, and right before the Super Bowl.

3: Christmas decorations: They get marked down the week after black Friday.

4: Winter coats, hats, and boots: Prices are slashed in the final two days before Christmas.

5. Gift cards: Deal News says mid December brings gift card markdowns.  Gift Cards tend to be at full price on Black Friday.

6. Watches

7: Jewelry: With both watches and jewelry, look for  big sales the final weekend before Christmas.

8: Workout equipment: The big markdowns hit after the New Year, and again in May, when everyone goes outside and is not looking at treadmills.

9. Gifts for yourself: wait until after Christmas and you'll be rewarded with discounts 50% or more on clothing and personal items.

Caution With Red Hot Items

One time you don't want to wait for a better deal is for something so hot that it may sell out, such as Star Wars toys this year, or Disney Frozen dolls last year.

Once they are gone they are gone.

But with items you can find everywhere, sometimes waiting has its rewards, so you don't waste your money.


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