A lot has happened in 2020. For many of us it has meant major adjustment to work, family and just about everything else due to COVID-19.
For the St. Elizabeth 2019 “baby brigade,” it’s been all about crawling, walking, teething and eating solids.
You know, baby stuff.
WCPO 9 anchor Kristyn Hartman first brought you the story last Thanksgiving of the baby boom among 27 members of Labor and Delivery staff at St. Elizabeth Healthcare.
This year, it’s all about the toddler.
“They're more interactive,” said Sarah Dixon, a St. Elizabeth Healthcare Labor and Delivery employee. “She can reach out and hug me, or she'll give kisses or smiles when you walk in the door. You just feel the love more.”
Dixon and some of the other moms that all gave birth around the same time in 2019 met up for a socially distanced, outdoor reunion to celebrate a year of growth.
“This is our surprise baby,” said Melissa Pierson, another St. Elizabeth Healthcare Labor and Delivery employee. “And the surprise baby has been a blessing, absolutely.”
These hard-working employees and moms know that, even with a pandemic, the cycle of life doesn’t stop.
“Babies are a blessing to all of us,” said Jocelyn Laake, a St. Elizabeth Healthcare Labor and Delivery employee. “They just keep coming, which is good for business.”
To cover all of the maternity leave last year, St. Elizabeth had to do a lot of schedule juggling, but other departments stepped up and got it done. This year, there is a smaller baby boom with 10 pregnant staffers so far, but nothing quite compares to last year.