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Sixteen Bricks founder Ryan Morgan featured in Esquire Magazine

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CINCINNATI — More than just bread is on the rise at Sixteen Bricks bakery.

Founder Ryan Morgan and his artisanal bakery in Bond Hill is the subject of a two-page profile story appearing in the March edition of Esquire Magazine.

Morgan and magazine editor Jeff Gordinier discuss Morgan's past, the bakery's creation and its future, according to a Sixteen Bricks press release.

Morgan, who grew up in Norwood, spent years as a skilled mechanic, working as a field engineer with Orthoclinical Diagnostics, a Johnson & Johnson Co. before entering the bakery business in 2011.

In his Esquire interview, Morgan said he took over his family's bakery to help his father, who was struggling with multiple sclerosis at the time.

Morgan grew his business by experimenting with milled whole grains such as einkorn.

“I’m constantly experimenting,” Morgan said in the article. “I want to push myself, try new things, see how different ingredients interact. It doesn’t turn out perfect every time, but that’s how we learn, that’s how we’re Sixteen Bricks better — one loaf at a time.”

Sixteen Bricks currently has 50 employees. The bakery supplies bread for restaurants such as Bouquet in Covington, Branch in East Walnut Hills, Red Feather in Oakley, Goose & Elder at Findlay Market and multiple Jeff Ruby restaurants.

Esquire's article about Morgan can be read at esquire.com.