

Rubio tells his Ohio supporters to back Kasich

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WASHINGTON — Marco Rubio's campaign is urging people in Ohio to vote for his rival, Ohio Gov. John Kasich, to stop rival Donald Trump from clinching the prized contest.

Alex Conant told The Associated Press on Friday that the only way to stop Trump from sweeping next week's basket of winner-take-all contests is to vote for Kasich in Ohio and Rubio in Florida.

Conant said that "If you want to stop Trump in Ohio, Kasich's the only guy who can beat him there."

Conant added: "Marco is the only guy who can beat him in Florida."

Kasich spokesman Rob Nichols says that his candidate is going to win in Ohio without Rubio's help "just as he's going to lose Florida without our help."

Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz has secured the endorsement of Missouri Rep. Ann Wagner.

In a statement on Friday, Wagner said that Republicans "must unite to win behind a strong, constitutional conservative like Ted Cruz."

The congresswoman has served as co-chair of the Republican National Committee during President George W. Bush's first term and was U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg.

Cruz has the backing of some half dozen House members, but only one endorsement from a fellow senator, Mike Lee of Utah.

Republicans in the Virgin Islands caucused into the night Thursday, and when they finished counting the votes Friday morning, the winner was ... no one.

Party chairman John Canegata says all nine delegates from the U.S. territory will go to the Republican National Convention as uncommitted delegates. That makes them free agents, free to support the candidate of their choice.

Canegata says more than 300 voters cast ballots.

The AP delegate count thus far:

— Donald Trump: 459.

— Ted Cruz: 360.

— Marco Rubio: 152.

— John Kasich: 54.

Needed to win the nomination: 1,237.