
Unprompted: Are our kids safe? A Sandy Hook mom's lessons on school shootings

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So many school shootings. The Parkland, Florida shooting hit home for many parents and educators.

It re-opens old wounds for Alissa Parker: She lost her daughter, Emilie, in the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary five years ago.

She has since co-founded Safe and Sound Schools organization. Here are Parker's lessons she shared with several Northern Kentucky school officials.

We asked: Are our kids safe? Should teachers carry guns in school? Are they ready if the unthinkable happens?

Listen to "Unprompted" in the audio player above.

Notable Moments:

  • 15:11 - Parker explains grieving the loss of her daughter publicly
  • 19:19 - Her answer to the so-called 'truths' or people who think the Sandy Hook Shooting was fake or a conspiracy
  • 22:43 - Parker's take on gun control
  • 21:33 - Should teachers be carrying guns in schools
  • 27:50 - Teacher reaction

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