DALLAS (AP) — Southwest Airlines flights across the country were held up Wednesday while the airline worked to fix technology problems.
Southwest began having intermittent problems with several systems after an outage.
"We are now managing flight delays across our system, with a temporary ground stop in place for those flights that have not left the gate," spokesman Brad Hawkins said in an emailed statement.
For about three hours, visitors to Southwest.com couldn't buy tickets, check in for flights, or check their flight's status. The site appeared to be working again by late afternoon.
Hawkins said that systems were gradually coming back, but that it might take time before the airline could resume normal operations.
We are aware and investigating current issues with our systems. We will keep you posted as we have more information to share.
— Southwest Airlines (@SouthwestAir) July 20, 2016
Anxious customers tweeted to Southwest that they could not check in for flights.
Leah Boyd and her husband, Matt, were flying to Providence, Rhode Island, but were held up at the Baltimore airport for three hours by mechanical issues with two different planes.
They finally boarded a plane, but after sitting at the gate for nearly an hour passengers were asked to exit because of the technology outage, Boyd said. Then the pilots reached the end of their shifts, so passengers waited for a replacement crew.
The Boyds ended up canceling their reservations and planned to drive to Providence on Thursday instead. Leah figured it would be hard to find seats on another flight.
"I've never seen so many people in the terminal," she said. "All these people are going to be flying standby."
By 8 p.m. Central time, Southwest had canceled 17 flights, more than any other U.S. carrier, and delayed more than 600, according to tracking service FlightAware.com.
Airlines have sprawling, overlapping and complicated technology systems, and even brief outages can cause thousands of passengers to be stranded for hours.
Last October, an outage caused about 800 Southwest flights to be delayed and forced employees to issue tickets and boarding passes by hand. The airline blamed a software application, and it recovered in about a day. United Airlines and American Airlines both had computer problems last summer but fixed the problems within a day.
Dallas-based Southwest Airlines Co. carries more passengers within the United States than any airline. However, it is far smaller than American, Delta and United when international traffic is included.
Long lines after reported outages at southwest @DenverChannel pic.twitter.com/gihJqBZCmV
— Sally (@sallymamdooh) July 20, 2016
.@SouthwestAir kiosk and systems are down. Doing everything manually at TPA.
— TITG (@CortezTITG) July 20, 2016
Computer issues @fly2midway causing major delays for @SouthwestAir passengers. @cbschicago pic.twitter.com/3Jfpn40LJp
— Charlie De Mar (@CharlieDeMar) July 20, 2016
@SouthwestAir Reagan check in is a mess. Nobody knows what is going on. Would be good to have rep walking this line. pic.twitter.com/kPhIDsw34P
— Jeremiah Stadt (@jeremiahstadt) July 20, 2016
One Twitter user says that Southwest had resorted to using hand-written boarding passes as a backup solution.
Gigantic tech issue with @SouthwestAir today. All flight grounded, hand written boarding passes. Woo.
— Cheryll Del Rosario (@cheryll) July 20, 2016