NEW YORK (AP) — Harvey Weinstein and his former film studio's board have reached a tentative $25 million settlement that would end nearly every sexual misconduct lawsuit brought against him and his company, The New York Times reported Wednesday.
The Times cited a half-dozen lawyers in its report, some of whom spoke about the proposed terms on the condition of anonymity.
More than 30 actresses and former Weinstein employees, who have sued the movie mogul for accusations ranging from sexual misconduct to rape, have agreed to the deal, according to the lawyers.
Weinstein would avoid paying any of his own money and he would not be required to admit any wrongdoing as part of the deal. Insurance companies representing the Weinstein Company would cover the settlement's cost, the Times reported.
Representatives for Weinstein declined to comment to the Times.
The proposed settlement has gotten preliminary approval from the major parties involved. It would require court approval and a final signoff before moving forward.
The settlement's terms remain uncertain. Eighteen of the alleged victims would split $6.2 million, with no individual receiving more than $500,000. A separate $18.5 million would go toward those involved in a class-action case, the New York attorney general's suit and any future claimants, the Times reported.
Actress Katherine Kendall, 50, said she agreed to the terms of the settlement because she didn't want to stop other plaintiffs from receiving recompense.
“I don’t love it, but I don’t know how to go after him,” she told the Times. “I don’t know what I can really do.”
Weinstein is scheduled to be tried on rape and sexual assault charges on Jan. 6. His bail was increased from $1 million to $5 million on Wednesday for allegedly mishandling his electronic ankle monitor.
He has pleaded not guilty to charges that he raped a woman in a Manhattan hotel room in 2013 and performed a forcible sex act on a different woman in 2006.