

Catholic leader wants remarried divorcees to avoid sex

Catholic leader wants remarried divorcees to avoid sex

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The leader of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia says divorced and remarried parishioners should abstain from sex and live "like brother and sister" if they want to receive Holy Communion and haven't had their previous marriage annulled.

Archbishop Charles Chaput issued a new set of pastoral guidelines for clergy and other leaders in the archdiocese. He also says Catholics in same-sex partnerships should refrain from sex and shouldn't be permitted to hold positions of responsibility in the church, to avoid "moral confusion in the community."

The guidelines are posted on the archdiocese website.

The instructions are an attempt to clarify Pope Francis' sweeping document on family life released in April. That document — called "The Joy of Love" — opened a door to divorced and civilly remarried Catholics.