

WCPO survey seeks to better understand news consumers in Cincinnati area

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We want to provide the best possible journalism for you.

There are many reasons for this:

  1. We genuinely value you as readers of our website and viewers of our TV station.
  2. We feel a responsibility to tell a complete story.
  3. We live in this community too. Our corporate office is Downtown. We are deeply invested in Cincinnati.
  4. It makes business sense to focus on the things our customers want.

But to provide you with great journalism that is relevant to your life, first we have to listen to you.

That’s why we make our contact information readily available. It’s partly why our journalists and key leaders are active on social media. It’s why we go to great efforts to respond to your phone calls and emails.

It’s also why we often reach out to try to find out more about you, your life, your interests and how we can best serve you.

As part of those efforts, we are launching a new survey.

The survey is designed to help WCPO learn more about the concerns and lives of the people in our community so we can better serve your needs. It is focused around how you live, what you are worried about and how you use news.

The questions should be easy to answer and the entire survey will take just a few minutes.

This study was designed and will be analyzed in consultation with the American Press Institute, a nonprofit organization that helps guide newspapers across the country in their missions to bring news to their communities.

The goal is to learn more about you.

We take your opinions seriously. And I can promise you that we will sincerely listen to your feedback and what matters to you.

That isn’t to say that we will be able to act on every suggestion.

But we will look closely at the survey results and ask ourselves lots of questions about how we can provide you with better journalism.

We know that you count on us. And to us, listening is a big part of being on your side.

Please take a few minutes to fill out the survey here. By participating, you could win a $100 Amazon gift card.

Thank you in advance.

Mike Canan is editor of Contact him at Follow him on Twitter or Instagram at @Mike_Canan.