ST. BERNARD, Ohio -- A vandal caused thousands of dollars in damage to dozens of cars in St. Bernard Saturday night -- seemingly at random, police said.
The St. Bernard Police Department believes that the suspect did it all without ever leaving their own car: The long, deep scratches left on the sides of nearly 40 St. Bernard vehicles could have been left by someone rolling down their window, sticking out a screwdriver and easily making their mark on car after car after car.
Victims such as David Barge and Donald Middendorf discovered the damage Sunday morning. It may have taken relatively little effort to inflict it, Middendorf said, but the cost of fixing it could hit other victims hard.
"It’s going to be $250 to get it fixed," Barge said. "Not everybody has an extra $250 to just redo your car."
The St. Bernard Police Department requested that anyone with information about the vandal call them at 513-242-2727.