

Voyeurs' spy cameras getting smaller, sneakier

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CINCINNATI – If the Erin Andrews stalking case didn't scare you, maybe this will.

A man who installs surveillance cameras for a living says technology is making it easier and easier for voyeurs and video spies to catch you on camera – maybe even in your own home.

Dusty Byrd said he wasn't shocked to hear about the maintenance man accused of putting cameras in five women's apartments at a Warren County complex this week.

"With people purchasing stuff on the Internet, who knows what people have nowadays," said Byrd.

Byrd  showed us online ads for cameras that look like alarm clocks, pencil sharpeners and school binders. There are even working smoke detectors that can  secretly, wirelessly record you.

Remote-controlled hidden cameras are now built as small as 1 or 2 inches in circumference with lenses as small as a pin hole, he said.

"You can get anything from a little bigger than a push pin for a camera to be able to see out of that up to one camera that can see 360 degrees all the way around," Byrd said.

Byrd has watched the spy business take off in recent years.

"Employers try to catch their employees or you get people just wanting to be sneaky," he said.

But sneaky has its cost if you're caught. Rowe faces five misdemeanor voyeurism charges and five felony 3 burglary charges.

"Since he went in with the intention of committing the offense of voyeurism, that makes it a possible burglary and thus he would be facing up to three years in prison for each count of burglary," said legal expert Mark Krumbein.

 Byrd's advice:

"Watch who you allow in your house and keep an eye on them," he said.