CINCINNATI - A woman says an intruder covered in tattoos kicked in her door at 3 a.m. and attacked her, her son and a police officer sent to help them.
"He said, 'I'm home,' and then he started punching everybody," said Kim McCloud.
McCloud said she had never seen her attacker until he broke into her home.
"All of a sudden I heard a kick like 'boom, boom, boom' and all of a sudden he was standing in my face and just punched me dead in my face," McCloud said.
He also bit and kicked her, she said.
The attacker was 30-year-old Steven Tyler Manning, police said.
McCloud said her son tried to stop the attack, but the man turned on him. And the attack continued even after Cincinnati police officer Tyler Lane arrived.
"They actually had to tase him three different times before they had to get him under control," McCloud said.
Officer Lane suffered a gash on his forehead that required 12 stitches.
Investigators believe Manning may have been under the influence of something. In court, Manning's attorney said Manning was dealing with troubling issues.
"He just buried his grandfather, has some issues with his 13-year-old son," the attorney said.
McCloud said it was a nightmare she won't soon forget.
"Hopefully it never happens again," McCloud said.
Manning faces charges of aggravated burglary, assaulting an officer and resisting arrest. He remains in jail under $350,000 bond.