CINCINNATI -- Ten people were arrested since Wednesday in three investigations conducted by the Hamilton County Sheriff's Regional Narcotics Unit, according to a release from the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office.
Sean Powers, 49, Sean Mosley, 28, Derius Hemphill, 28, and Aaron Kelly, 35, were arrested Wednesday after agents recovered nearly a pound of cocaine, heroin, 13 pounds of marijuana, three handguns and an unspecified amount of money.
Abdula Obied, 26, of Cincinnati, was arrested Wednesday after agents found about six pounds of marijuana at a traffic stop. They later found more marijuana at his home.
Officers found this box of marijuana at Obied's home. Photo courtesy of the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office.
Austin Hartzel was arrested in Cincinnati Wednesday after agents found six pounds of marijuana. After searching three locations in Clifton and Walnut Hills, officers recovered 181 pounds of marijuana. The marijuana was shipped to Cincinnati from California through the United States Priority Mail Service, according to the investigation. Agents also seized a handgun and a shotgun, and police said the retail value of the marijuana was $890,000.
Brandon Johnson, 31, Eric Chapman, 25, Ashley Stewart, 23, and Tacara Randolph, 21, were arrested Thursday after officers found 159 pounds of marijuana in their conversion van on Interstate 75. The four had driven the marijuana back from Houston, Texas, according to the investigation. The street value of the marijuana was about $381,000.
Johnson, Chapman, Stewart and Randolph are accused of driving 159 pounds of marijuana from Texas to Cincinnati. Photo courtesy of the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office.
All of the individuals were transported to the Hamilton County Justice Center and were arraigned Friday.