CINCINNATI -- Students are learning something new this year in health class at Winton Woods High School: CPR.
"They are an unofficial first responder," health teacher Julie Dietrich said. "So, when help does arrive, they have kept that person alive."
Thanks to members of the Forest Park Fire Department, the students are learning to perform CPR on various ages of people, from infants to adults. They're also learning how to use automatic external defibrillators, or AEDs.
The lessons are required for Ohio high school students starting this school year. The classes must include hands-on instruction, though it generally isn't enough for the students to be certified.
Winton Woods students said they feel ready to help if the need arises.
"I think I would be calm because I know what to do, how to do it now, thanks to the lessons," sophomore Landon Turner said.
The American Heart Association provided simulators through Mercy Health, placing lifesaving tools in the students' young hands.
"I think I'll be able to save a life and use this training one day," Turner said.