

Hundreds call for President Trump to unify the country, tell the truth at rally Downtown

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CINCINNATI -- Hamilton County Clerk of Courts Aftab Pureval was among 100 people who called for President Donald Trump to "tell the truth" and unify the country Saturday at a rally Downtown.

The “truth rally,” organized by United We Stand, brought over 100 Greater Cincinnatians together as people across the country are calling for an independent investigation into Russian interference with the U.S. election. 

Pureval said he thinks it’s incredibly important to demand the truth from elected officials, particularly President Trump.

“He’s been dividing the country, he’s been appealing to our lowest common denominator,” Pureval said. “I think we need a leader, a president, to bring our country together, to attack the real problems that we have -- getting our economy going, making sure people have jobs, taking care of the middle class -- these are things that every American can agree on, and unfortunately Donald Trump has been focused on very divisive issues.”

Special Counsel Robert Mueller is overseeing a Justice Department investigation into possible ties between  Trump's campaign and Russia's government. Mueller also has  taken over a separate criminal probe involving former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, and may expand his inquiry to investigate the roles of the attorney general and deputy attorney general in the firing of FBI Director James Comey, acording to The Associated Press.

"The issue of Russian meddling in our presidential election must be investigated fully and former FBI director Robert Mueller is well qualified to oversee this probe," U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, previously said in a statement.

Pureval said the first few months of Trump’s presidency have been so contentious because Trump has been focused on “dividing us and getting political wins for his incredibly right wing base.”

“We need a leader that takes care of all of us and not just some of us,” Pureval said. 

The truth rally also joined those who are considering running for a position in local government.

“We have to hold our elected officials accountable, and 2018 is our best chance to do that,” Pureval said.

Catherine Sanchez, of Butler County, said it was inspiring to see people who may play a role in future legislation.

“I just love seeing all of the people who are planning on running in 2018 so maybe we can have some of these changes actually start happening,” Sanchez said.

She said she was happy to fight for change alongside so many people.

“It’s amazing. In general … particularly out in the suburbs outside of Cincinnati, it feels pretty lonely, kind of like you’re the only one who has these progressive beliefs.”

Sanchez’s dog, Walter, wore a sign that read “Human Rights Watchdog.”

Sanchez said that’s what she hopes to be in the community.

“Equal rights for everyone -- regardless of race, religion, gender identity -- that is really the most important thing to me,” she said.