

Brothers in arms: Siblings return to Elder High for military promotion ceremony

He is the very model of modern major general
and last updated

CINCINNATI -- There was no more logical place for David Glaser to be promoted to Major General of the United States Army Monday night than the steps of Elder High School -- and no more logical person to swear him in than his brother, retired Navy Captain Mike Glaser.

Despite the exceptional nature of his accomplishment, which less than one percent of Army recruits ever reach, the newly minted Maj. Gen Glaser remained humble as he addressed a crowd of friends, family and supporters outside his alma mater.

"I'm under no illusion that I'm the only one that could be wearing this rank but believe I just had the right breaks and the right people leading me," Glaser said of his 32-year career in the armed forces. "I'll stick around as long as they let me."

Both Glaser brothers attended Elder as teenagers, and both would chart a course for the military after graduation.

David Glaser (left) graduated from Elder High School in 1981; he would follow his brother Michael (right), who had graduated in '79, into the military.

David Glaser became a military police officer following his graduation from Xavier University in 1985 and continued to climb the chain of command, first instructing other military police officers and later commanding an MP battalion in Baghdad during the Iraq War.

Today he works for the Chief of Army Police and Investigations and teaches other servicemen to address a threat that didn't exist when he first enlisted: Cybercrime.

"Hacking and leaking (are issues), but also just educating the soldiers," he said. "You've heard of phishing and those types of things where they reach out and try to get your confidential information. It's no different for soldiers."

Glaser has earned awards including the Bronze Star Medal, Legion of Merit and the Valorous and Meritorious Unit Awards throughout his career, but he didn't express a desire for more decoration Monday night -- just for a long career and the ability to make a meaningful contribution to his country.