

She's using ribbon to help kids with cancer


BLUE ASH, Ohio -- When Remie Russell looks at a few feet of ribbon, she sees possibilities.

The 11-year-old's vision started during E.H. Greene Intermediate School's Genius Hour, giving students time to pursue their passions.

Russell's passion was remarkably unselfish: turning ribbon into headbands for children with cancer.

"I wanted the girls that didn't have any hair or very little hair to feel prettier," she said.

She researched material that wouldn't irritate a patient's sensitive skin. She said she learned form Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center that nylon would be a good choice. Now her efforts are raising money to make 250 decorated headbands to give to kids.

Russell's teacher, Angela Ryan, has no doubt she'll succeed.

"I can't wait to see what they will do when they're 14, 16 and 18 and go out into the world," Ryan said.

Watch the video above to see why the project is so deeply personal for Russell.