CINCINNATI — People saluted, put their hands over their hearts and displayed the flag in honor of Clermont County Det. Bill Brewer on Sunday.
WATCH exclusive Chopper 9 video in the video player above.
Spectators dotted roads from Hamilton County to Clermont County as police motorcycles and cruisers led a procession carrying the slain deputy’s body from the Hamilton County Morgue to Nurre Funeral Home on Ohio 125.
WATCH more video from ground view below:
Brewer, a 20-year veteran of the Clermont County Sheriff’s Office with a wife and 5-year-old son, was shot to death in a 12-hour standoff at a Pierce Township apartment complex Saturday night.
WATCH exclusive Chopper 9 video of the extensive fire damage at the standoff site.
A fellow deputy, Lt. Nick DeRose, a 22-year veteran of the Sheriff’s Office, was wounded. DeRose was treated and released from University of Cincinnati Medical Center.