BOONE COUNTY, Ky. -- A Louisville woman is dead after police say she ran into and under the rear of a semitractor-trailer and then veered off into the median around 11:15 a.m. Monday on I-71 northbound near the junction with I-75.
Sharon Daniels, 60, struck the rear end of a 1990 Peterbuilt truck being driven northbound on I-71 by Roger Pawley, 37, of East View. Pawley was slowing in traffic due to construction work ahead.
Preliminary indicators are that the woman failed to brake as she approached the slowing traffic. The truck and trailer are owned by Nall’s Specialized Hauling out of Elizabethtown, Kentucky. There were approximately 7,000 pounds of totes and skids on board.
A bridge deck restoration and concrete overlay project is in progress on the I-71 bridge over I-75 in Boone County. Traffic on the northbound bridge is restricted to one lane until Tuesday. Significant delays have been occurring when lane restrictions are in place and authorities warn that motorists should watch for stopped traffic.