

Thousands turn out in Cincinnati to see Hillary Clinton and another woman: Elizabeth Warren

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Thousands of people showed up to Union Terminal Monday to get a glimpse of Hillary Clinton.

But for some, there was another woman they were really hoping to see: Elizabeth Warren.

Many see Warren as the key to uniting the Democratic Party after a tumultuous primary season that divided Democrats in two camps: progressive liberals supporting Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders and establishment Democrats who favored Clinton. Monday was Warren and Clinton’s first public outing together.

“We’re especially excited about Elizabeth Warren,” said Maddie Henke, an 18-year-old from Wyoming who was filing into the museum Monday morning with Ethan Kahn, 18. 

Kahn said he likes Warren’s presence on the campaign trail – and the possibility of her as a vice presidential pick – because she balances out Clinton.

WATCH Warren's remarks during Monday's rally in the player below:


While Sanders has attacked Clinton for accepting big money donations from banks, Warren has rallied for tougher regulations on Wall Street. And while Clinton’s plan for college affordability looked modest compared to Sanders, Warren has pushed for student loan reform, including a plan to essentially make college free, since entering congress.

“Elizabeth Warren stands for some values Hillary is not known for,” Kahn said. “I love the idea of an all-female ticket.”

Clinton praised those values Monday, spending more than five minutes commending Warren for her work in the Senate. Warren has been named as a top VP pick for Hillary because she could unite the Democratic Party and deliver progressive votes.

And Warren played up her progressive talking points — hitting on themes commonly heard at Sanders’ rallies — while simultaneously taking aggressive digs at Clinton’s Republican opponent, Donald Trump.

“What kind of man roots for people to lose their jobs, to lose their homes, to lose their life savings?” Warren said of Trump. “I’ll tell you what kind of man: a small, insecure money grubber who fights for no one but themself.”

But Republicans responded by calling Warren’s time on the campaign trail  simply a ploy to win over Sanders’ supporters.

“Hillary Clinton is only campaigning with Sen. Elizabeth Warren to pander to Bernie Sanders supporters who are struggling with the notion of supporting Clinton as the nominee,” Ohio Republican Party Chairman Matt Borges said in a statement.

That is the exact type of voter Warren’s help on the trail is likely to attract, said Ben Bates, an Ohio University communications professors. Warren is unlikely to win over many die-hard Sanders’ supporters for Clinton but she might nudge some into her corner.

“Her biggest purpose is to pull in Bernie fans, progressives, other folks on the left side of the party who might be considering going with a Green Party candidate or staying home this election,” Bates said. 

It was Warren, not Clinton, who drew 28-year-old Marisa Head of Silverton out of her home Monday to Union Terminal. Head is “lukewarm” about a Clinton presidency. But she can get behind Warren.

“(Warren) was a deciding factor,” Head said of her decision to come to the Clinton event. “She’s got a little bit more of the fire.”

Hannah Detwiler, a 19-year-old from Columbus, is a Clinton supporter but she was just as excited to see Warren Monday. Detwiler is confident Warren might lure some Sanders supporters to Team Clinton.

“When we heard Liz was coming, we said, ‘We have to be there,’” Detwiler said. “Young people love Liz. I’m sure that’s why there’s a huge crowd here.”