Cincinnati Beer Week starts Sunday and runs through June 25, featuring special events at breweries, restaurants and retailers, and special releases timed to celebrate the city’s brewing heritage.
While there are multiple events happening during Beer Week, there are a few that stand out. Here are our top nine recommendations. It's a good week to be a beer fan in Cincinnati!
Norwood Brunch: Noon-4 p.m. June 19 at Listermann Brewing Co. For Father’s Day, dads eat free from a beer-infused menu made especially for the day by Renegade Street Eats. One of the highlights will be the Friar Bacon Maple wings.
5 O’Clock Somewhere Tour: Noon-4:30 p.m. weekdays, all week. Cincy Brew Bus will offer weekday afternoon tours leaving from Jack Casino and visiting Moerlein Lager House, Braxton Brewing, Listermann Brewing, Ei8ht Ball Brewing and Taft’s Ale House. At each location, participants will receive 16 to 20 ounces of beer and behind-the-scenes tours. To sign up, go to
Joon Beer Release: 4-10 p.m. June 20 at MadTree Brewing Co. Normally closed on Mondays, MadTree will open for the highly anticipated return of Joon. It's an ale aged in gin barrels, with ginger and juniper berries added for flavor. Bottles will be $12.50 and limited to three per person.
Thousand Weiss release: 5 p.m. June 21 at Cappy’s in Loveland. Christian Moerlein celebrated its 1,000th batch by creating this blackberry hefeweizen, which will be available in 22-ounce bottles. Like true hefes, Thousand Weiss will have banana and clove notes, with blackberry puree providing tartness. Founder Greg Hardmann will be present to discuss the development of Thousand Weiss, as well as to pass out the first few bottles.
Bad Tom Smith beer dinner: 6:30-10:30 p.m. June 21 at Packhouse in Newport. For $25, the three-course meal will include: spring salad with mixed berries and candied walnuts paired with Breathitt County Blonde; caramel-glazed chicken packs with bourbon apples paired with All American IPA; and mixed berry shortcake paired with Bad Tom Smith Brown Ale. Call 859-415-2312 or email info@packhousemeats for reservations.
Rhinegeist Vs. The World: 6-9:30 p.m. June 22 at Marty’s Hops and Vines. This event pits the Over-the-Rhine brewery against breweries from around the world in a blind taste test. Puma Pils will be pitted against Pilsner Urquell, Truth will battle Alesmith IPA for hoppy supremacy, and finally, Rhinegeist created its own version of Fat Tire to oppose the original Fat Tire, from New Belgium. For directions or more information, go
Blank Slate Night: 6-10 p.m. June 24 at The Growler House. Blank Slate founder Scott LaFollette will be present to discuss expansion and canning plans for his brewery. He will bring taproom exclusives Pinango, a pineapple-mango hefeweizen, There She Gose, a hibiscus gose, and Orchid’s Repose, a cranberry stout. Saison d’513, the Blank Slate/Bad Tom Smith/Rhinegeist/Taft’s Ale House Beer Week collaboration, and Fork in the Road, an India amber ale, also will be on tap that night.
Bomber Bash: 6-10 p.m. June 25 at the Christian Moerlein taproom. Moerlein enthusiasts will be able to buy four-packs of 22-ounce bottles including Thousand Weiss, Wild Hunt Cascadian Ale, and both of the 12/163 brandy barrel-aged Belgian Quad and 11/162 bourbon barrel-aged Wee Heavy anniversary beers. The package is $35 and includes two snifter glasses. The beers also will be available on tap that night.
Meet the Brewers!: 2-4 p.m. June 25 at Mt. Carmel Brewing. Brewers from the Mt. Carmel Beer Week collaboration team will be present to discuss Beer Week and all things brewing. Brewers present will represent Mt. Carmel, Fifty West, Cellar Dweller and Fibonacci. As a closing event, check out the musical stylings of And The Kids, Nice Try, Faux Fiction and Tiger Sex at Urban Artifact on June 25. Wrap up Beer Week with guest tappings from 5 Rabbit Cerveceria, as well as a Keypunch from UA. (Of course, Rhinegeist's third anniversary party is that day too, as well as OTR Beerfest.)