

Victims' stepfather implores amublance to come quickly after stepdaughter, stepson shot

Estranged husband of female victim killed himself
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CLEARCREEK TOWNSHIP, Ohio -- In pretty much every way, the 911 caller reacted exactly as you'd think he'd react: His stepdaughter had been shot. His stepson had been shot. And the gunman -- the stepdaughter's estranged husband -- lay dead.

"Oh my God, no, oh my God, no," he said as he broke into tears.

Clearcreek Township police say Eric Walker shot Lauren Walker in the head, shot Lauren's brother in the groin and then killed himself Saturday evening outside the home where all three of them lived.

The caller, Lauren's stepfather, told a 911 operator that Eric was "obviously dead."

"I can't tell about her," he said. He asked another person with him: "Is there a pulse?"

And throughout his call, he begged for an ambulance to come quickly. "Please, please hurry."

Listen to the call below (this recording contains profanity and has been edited to remove the caller's name and telephone number):


A medical helicopter flew Lauren to Miami Valley Hospital, but she died the next afternoon. She was 32 years old. Eric was dead in the driveway of the home on Whispering Woods Lane when police arrived.

The couple had "been going through a divorce," the 911 caller said. "They've been talking about divorcing."

Children and others were at the home when Eric opened fire; the 911 caller told them to go back inside.

Lauren's brother, Justin Michel, was driven to an area hospital for treatment.