

Surveillance video shows car break-in on Hyde Park street

Several cars apparently victimized, resident says
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CINCINNATI - New security video shows how easy it was for a group of thieves to snatch stuff from cars in Hyde Park overnight Sunday.

Police are looking for one crook who was caught on camera during a rash of break-ins about 2:30 a.m. Residents on Duncan Avenue who woke up to find their property thrown out on the street are relearning a tough lesson:  Lock your doors.

Surveillance video from outside a home shows a person checking the area, then opening an unlocked car door and raiding the center console. The crook's two buddies come over to check out the loot.

Bryan Beamer said he was walking his dog Buddy later that morning and noticed something wrong. He said he called 911.

"We saw one of the cars across the street, the trunk was open, and the door was open. That didn't seem right," Beamer said.

Beamer said he saw a few other car doors that looked like they had been opened.

"It doesn't typically happen, but it seems like every once in awhile we get a little complacent and we might leave our car doors unlocked and things like that," Beamer said.

"I think it’s sad," said a neighbor, Justina Block. "It’s an awful feeling to not feel safe.”

Block said she has lived on Duncan Avenue for nearly three decades.

"People are so friendly. Nice. We have a great street. We do look out for each other."

Probably not at that hour, though.

"People feel a little bold. They come out. Some of the neighbors didn’t lock their cars," Block said.

Block said the break-ins made her uncomfortable.

"It does feel a little eerie someone is walking around your yard while you’re in your home,” she said.

Block said she had a message for the thieves.

“Just know that at least on our street everyone is going to be watching out now," she said. "Everyone is going to be installing who doesn’t have a security camera or a Ring.”

Beamer said it would be a wakeup call for the neighborhood.

"In my neighborhood, it makes me feel like I should keep things locked,” he said.

Especially at this time of year.

"During the holiday season a lot of us have probably have more packages on our porches than usual,” Beamer  said. "For me at least, it's going to be a good chance to make sure we're getting those things off our porches as fast as we can."

Police are asking you to make sure you keep your cars and homes locked. If you have any information about these break-ins, call Crime Stoppers at (513) 352-3040.