

Camp Ernst Middle School teacher sent nude pics to teenage intern, Boone County sheriff says

Camp Ernst Middle School teacher sent nude pics to teenage intern, Boone County sheriff says
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BURLINGTON, Ky. -- A Camp Ernst Middle School teacher is suspected of sending nude photos and videos of himself to a 17-year-old intern, according to the Boone County Sheriff's Office.

Kevin Crone, 38, of Union, Kentucky, was arrested late Friday night. He was being held Saturday at the Boone County Detention Center awaiting a bond to be set.

He's charged with unlawful use of electronic means originating or received within the commonwealth to induce a minor to engage in sexual or other prohibited activities, which is a Class D felony, and use of a minor is sexual performance, a Class C felony.

According to the sheriff's office, the teenager was an intern at Camp Ernst in 2013 when Crone sent her nude photos and videos of himself and enticed her to send him nude photos of her.

Crone taught sixth-, seventh- and eighth-grade health and physical education, according to the school website. The Boone County Schools district took immediate action when it learned of the allegations, spokeswoman Barbara Brady said, and Crone was no longer an employee as of Saturday.

The district is cooperating with the investigation, Brady said. Student services will be available to any Camp Ernst students who want help.