COVINGTON, Ky. -- An Ohio man who Covington police said admitted to nine bank robberies around the Tri-State was sentenced Thursday to 10 years in prison.
Brian M. Parnell, nicknamed the Sock Hat Bandit for his apparel during the crimes, also was ordered to spend three years on supervised release once he gets out of prison, the Journal-News reported.
IN DEPTH: Who gets to give bank robbers their nicknames?
Covington police captured Parnell on June 18, 2015, after they said he tried to elude officers when he robbed a Fifth Third Bank in Independence. Authorities said Parnell led police on a high-speed car chase during which he hit at least two vehicles and crashed into a tree.
The Dayton, Ohio man was only indicted on three counts of bank robbery, despite the fact Covington police officials said he admitted to nine bank robberies during an interview with the FBI after his arrest.
Parnell also must pay restitution to two people whose vehicles he damaged while fleeing the Independence robbery, the Journal-News reported.