COVINGTON, Ky. -- Local boxer Adrien Broner is in trouble with the law yet again.
Police pulled Broner over in an SUV riddled with bullet holes and arrested him early Thursday morning in Covington, according to Cincinnati Police Lt. Steve Saunders. He was booked in the Kenton County jail and released around 5 a.m., jail records show.
Jail records indicate that Broner was arrested on an open warrant early Thursday morning and charged with "failure to appear," a misdemeanor charge. The open warrant was for a public intoxication charge from 2014.

Saunders said Covington police noticed the bullet holes on the side of the vehicle and called the Cincinnati Police Department. He did not know the exact number of bullet holes. Broner's Chevrolet Suburban was a rental car, according to an incident report.
Cincinnati officers believe Broner was involved in a fight at G-Moni bar on Queen City Avenue in South Fairmont, and Broner's car was shot in the altercation, Saunders said. He was there with friends, but someone followed him when he left, he told police.
Several 911 callers reported multiple shots fired between vehicles at the intersection of W. McMillan Street and W. McMicken Avenue at about 1 a.m. One bullet pierced the driver-side door of Broner's SUV. Another hit the door just behind it. The left rear window was shattered.
Police said Broner is not cooperating with their investigation. A person at Broner's house said he would not comment on the incident.
Broner was recently on trial for felony assault and robbery charges, all of which were dropped.
RELATED: Broner talks suicide scare, says he's no longer taking life for granted
Over the course of the trial, Broner didn't show up to court or showed up late, leading to multiple incarcerations and more charges.
Broner's criminal history also includes charges of robbery (2010 and 2007), aggravated robbery (2007), felonious assault (2007), gun charges (2007 and 2008), domestic violence (2008), intimidation of a witness (2008) and battery (2013). All charges, with the exception of the battery charge from Florida, came from Hamilton County.
Broner's next court appearance is scheduled for April 27.