

Off-campus social gatherings in Oxford linked to new COVID-19 cases

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OXFORD, Ohio — The Butler County General Health District (BCGHD) announced Saturday they are investigating five cases of COVID-19 among Miami University students that they believe are linked to off-campus social gatherings in Oxford from May 8 to 16.

BCGHD is contacting people who came in contact with the infected students, but health commissioner Jennifer Bailer said those who were at social gatherings in Oxford between May 8 and 16 should self-monitor for symptoms for 14 days from the last day spent in Oxford.

“We want everyone potentially exposed to be aware so they can self-monitor and get tested quickly to reduce potential further spread. Should you receive a call from the Health District, we encourage your complete cooperation,” Bailer said.

Anyone with a potential exposure should also stay home and limit time with family, friends and roommates.

If you were potentially exposed, BCGHD encourages you to contact your healthcare provider or an emergency room if you develop a fever or other symptoms like cough, difficulty breathing, chills, headache, muscle pain, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell.