

Cincinnati has fifth-lowest ATM fees, survey finds

Cincinnati has fifth-lowest ATM fees, survey finds
and last updated

CINCINNATI -- Hate ATM fees? It could be worse: You could live in Pittsburgh.

Cincinnati has the fifth-lowest average ATM fee, according to a new report. You'll rack up about $4.30 here to get your own cash, a total that includes the machine's fee and what your bank charges.

In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, that average rises to $5.19.

Dallas, Texas, had the lowest average fee at $4.07, meaning the spread between the high and low is $1.12. It might not seem like much, but who likes being nickel-and-dimed?

The highest five, according to Bankrate:

  • Pittsburgh: $5.19
  • New York: $5.14
  • Washington, D.C.: $5.11 (tie)
  • Cleveland: $5.11 (tie)
  • Atlanta: $5.05

And the lowest five:

  • Cincinnati: $4.30
  • Seattle: $4.29
  • San Francisco: $4.23
  • Milwaukee: $4.19
  • Dallas: $4.07

The survey group consisted of 10 banks and thrifts in each of 25 large U.S. markets; one interest and one non-interest account, as well as their associated ATM and debit card fee policies were surveyed from 247 institutions offering checking accounts; 241 interest and 240 non-interest accounts were surveyed between July 27 and Aug. 18.

Read the full report at