HAMILTON, Ohio — Ohio’s attorney general is suing a home improvement contractor on behalf of customers in Butler and Hamilton counties.
In a lawsuit filed in Butler County Thursday, Attorney General Dave Yost accuses Wayne Colwell of A2Z Exteriors of violating Ohio’s Consumer Sales Practices Act.
Yost said A2Z Exteriors performed “shoddy work” and failed “to deliver promised services or refunds.”
Four customers reported financial losses totaling $19,866.
“It’s a simple concept: keep your word and you can keep the money,” Yost said. “This guy clearly doesn’t get it, so now we’ll have to explain it to him in court.”
In the lawsuit, Yost is asking Colwell to reimburse affected customers, pay civil penalties and pay court costs. The lawsuit also requests an injunction ordering Colwell to stop violating the state’s consumer protection laws.
The Better Business Bureau issued the following alert on its website regarding A2Z Exteriors:
“BBB has received consumer information regarding this business and issues of poor workmanship, failure to complete contracted work, and inability to reach the business. BBB reached out to the business in writing on November 5, 2018 and have not yet received a response.”
The company, which has a Millville Avenue address in Hamilton, is no longer in business, according to the BBB.
Yost recommends the following steps before signing a contract for any home improvement services:
- Check for any complaints with the BBB and Ohio AG’s Office
- Make sure you can cancel a door-to-door sale
- Get written estimates from more than one contractor
- Make sure your contract includes any verbal promises, the start and end dates and an itemized list of all significant costs, labor and services
- Be wary of large down payments and payments made directly to a contractor instead of a company
- Be sure the business is registered with the Ohio Secretary of State
Anyone who suspects unfair or deceptive business practices can report companies by calling the Ohio Attorney General’s Office at 800-282-0515 or by visiting OhioAttorneyGeneral.gov.