
See what your state ranked as the most popular Valentine's Day candy

Valentines Candy
and last updated

Want to know what your state's most popular Valentine's Day candy is?

Well, the people over at CandyStore built an interactive map that shows what candies people love in each state - and some of the answers might surprise you!

In Alabama, they prefer candy necklaces over the traditional holiday candy.

Chocolate roses are a favorite in Kentucky and Wyoming.

Maine, Nebraska, and Rhode Island are fans of chocolate hearts.

People in 19 states, including Colorado, Massachusetts, and Ohio, love heart-shaped boxes of chocolates, which were the most well-liked candy to be received on Valentine's Day.

Hershey's kisses were ranked first in Utah, Texas, South Dakota, and Delaware.

M&Ms are popular in Arizona, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, New Jersey, North Dakota, and Oregon.

Conversation hearts are a fan-favorite in 14 states.

According to CandyStore, the results were based on sales data from the company's online store and industry partners.